Stage 1. First layer

The 2*2*2 cube consists of eight elements – corners.

Our first task is to assemble one layer. To assemble the first layer, we use the formula R U R’ U’. By doing this algorithm one to five times, we can always rotate our corner element to the desired position, while the corner element moves vertically in the cube – “up and down”.
We position the element we need in the second layer and use the formula R U R’ U’ to lift it to the first layer, rotating it to the position we need.

Stage 2. Second layer

So the first layer is assembled, all that remains is to assemble the second layer.
First we arrange the corners in the second layer. To do this, we use the formula U R U’ L’ U R’ U’ L U – it allows us to swap elements with each other in the horizontal direction.
The corners can look yellow in any direction. The main thing is that the orange-green corner should be between the orange and green centers, the green-red corner should be between green and red, etc.

As a rule, from the four corners in their places, either two or four elements are obtained. If this is not the case, then before applying the algorithm it is necessary to rotate the top layer until one of the options is obtained. In this case, the two corners in their places can be next to each other or opposite each other. Using the above formula, we put the remaining corners in their places.

After we have placed all the elements in their places, we unfold them using the formula R U R’ U’ already known to us.
We start from any unassembled corner and do “up and down” until the corner is assembled. Then we twist the bottom layer and insert the next unexpanded corner. We continue to do “up and down” until the 2nd corner is completed and so on. (ATTENTION! If the corner has already been assembled, R U R’ U’ still needs to be completed to the end, and only then proceed to the next one). When you unfold all the corners, the cube will be completed, do not forget to complete the last movement.

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